In today’s private philanthropy, especially the part of the sector tailored to empowering and bringing about change for marginalized communities, one of the most prominent strategic tensions linked to a difference in perspectives between grant-makers and grantees is the issue of direct services and whether to engage in funding them or not. This tension, however, may not always speak to the needs of existing or prospective grantees for whom direct services can, and often are, […]
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) have become an important topic of conversation around institutional giving, especially for foundations whose primary goal is to support and build up marginalized communities and whose values are rooted in social justice principles. It is likely that, if you are a philanthropic professional yourself, you have heard the acronym D&I mentioned all around either at your workplace or throughout the various affinity groups you are active in. It is also […]
The question of how effectively monitor philanthropic response to human rights concerns and violations is one asked often, especially by beneficiaries who want to understand the bigger picture of availability of aid to their cause. Whether it poses further asks concerning accountability or influence on the work carried out by non-governmental actors and other stakeholders, knowing which groups both receive and disburse institutional funding is crucial in shaping how funders work and take strategic decisions […]
“Decolonizing Wealth” should become a mandatory read for anyone who decides to make institutionalized philanthropy their career path. Or better yet, anyone considering the sector as part of their work experience, even if that consideration itself lasts a split second. The reasons for that are simple, Edgar Villanueva, who has been engaged in philanthropic work for the last 15 years (and would most likely, and rightfully so!, criticize the way I framed the sector as […]
Two years ago, while contemplating my initial transition, when I still referred to myself as a trans man, and working through a number of questions and doubts regarding my coming out as non-binary and quitting testosterone, I wrote an emotional, self-analytical piece about gender dysphoria and what happens to my brain and body when I experience it. It only makes sense to follow-up with a post about a complete opposite feeling. The sudden joy of realizing that […]
Wspaniale było wziąć udział w kolejnej, chyba największej do tej pory warszawskiej Manifie i pokazać, że prawa kobiet to sprawa niezwykle ważna. Dla mnie tegoroczna Manifa była niezmiernie ważna z dwóch powodów. Po raz pierwszy jedno z przemówień dotyczyło osób pracujących seksualnie. Temat pracy seksualnej to wciąż kwestia, którą mainstreamowy feminizm ignoruje i której często nie chce w ogóle zrozumieć, czego wyrazem jest tak otwarte wspieranie tzw. modelu nordyckiego lub szwedzkiego, który zamiast dawać godne […]
acknowledge that condoms are not the only tool needed for safer sex, acknowledge the problem with condom size re: trans and intersex bodies, acknowledge that contraception needs to be discussed in queer safer sex literature, acknowledge that fertility of non-cis and non-dyadic bodies needs to be present and properly presented, degender your resources esp. brochures and toolkits, discuss PrEP without making it seem that it protects you from all STIs and pregnancy, discuss PrEP outside […]
Mam dla Was ważne wieści. // I have some important information for you. 18 października tego roku złożyłem rezygnację ze stanowiska osoby prezesującej i członka zarządu Fundacji Trans-Fuzja // On October 18, I have resigned from my position as president and board member of Trans-Fuzja Foundation. Dzisiejsze zebranie zarządu organizacji potwierdziło zarówno rezygnację, jak i wyłoniło osoby kontynuujące działalność organizacji. Jestem niezmiernie dumny z tego, że począwszy od 2 stycznia zastąpi mnie Edyta Baker, a […]
The reason why so much of anti-oppression work is centered around support services is simple. When the world cannot be your safe space, you create your own. There’s no advocacy without a sense of power and that power comes from a community and those of its voices that can get through. We are all in this together and only together we can ensure that our spaces remain both open and safer. Safer for us, our […]
Many in the activist world have heard about “We All Share the Same Dreams” even before its release. It was talked about at conferences, especially by representatives of the European Commission themselves and during meetings (both local and regional), but except for those included in its dissemination, few of us knew what to expect. And thus, we received a product. A weak and unspecific call to “share our dream” (#ShareYourDream), which sounds like a slogan […]