Hi 🙂 I really enjoyed your “Transitions of Fatness” post. Especially the part about not having my “trans-ness” being taken seriously because of my being fat, hit home. I’m seeing a psychologist because I dropped out of school due to depression, and I told her that I want to transition. She told me that she doubts anyone would prescribe T to me while I’m being ‘mentally unstable’. Well, anyways, thank you so much for sharing; it made me feel more positive about the future 🙂
Hi Jonathan!
Thank you so much for your kind comment. I am really sorry that you had to have this experience, especially when the question of ‘mental stability’ and transition were raised at your psychologists office.
At the same time I can imagine how some unskilled providers would immediately disregard transitioning due to some problems, however, it is also important to remember that transitioning is extremely important and is in itself a very tiring and wholesome process. And sometimes we have to also accommodate for our mental health on the way.
I don’t know if that is something you are contemplating, but what really helped me (and I am only discovering it after so many years) was the fact that I was offered therapy during my transition, which made me deal with the emotions and societal changes happening around me. I don’t know whether that is something your psychologists was concerned about, but if you’re in therapy in relation to you condition, how about seeing another therapists to deal with your transition or bring the topic of your transition to your actual therapy?
For me this helped because although I had friends who were supporting me, I had also different doubts and experiences I couldn’t share with those whose only knowledge about transition was that this process should have been smooth and extremely positive all the way.
For some people peer help is the only thing they need and for others a professional approach makes the process a lot easier. If you need to talk further, find me on Facebook/Twitter or e-mail me. I’ll be glad to continue this conversation.
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