It has been almost a year and a half since my last blog post. This recent realization came with an intense feeling of embarrassment, a feeling usually buried deeply under a growing number of anxieties sneakily hidden between the hours of every working day. This embarrassment, however, was not necessarily linked to lack of producing something of value – after all, there have been other areas where much of my attention has gone to. From...
A few weeks ago, we already knew that 2022 was not going to be off to a good start. News of a new COVID-19 variant emerged and soon many of us were affected by it. As I write these words, in the United States more than 150,000 new infections are reported every day, half of which recorded in my home state, and worldwide rates are even more staggering, if not depressing. This new found state...
[Image shows the title card for this post in a circle against a blurry brown background with a notepad, some paper, headphones and a rainbow reflection] Two years ago, while contemplating my initial transition, when I still referred to myself as a trans man, and working through a number of questions and doubts regarding my coming out as non-binary and quitting testosterone, I wrote an emotional, self-analytical piece about gender dysphoria and what happens to my brain...
acknowledge that condoms are not the only tool needed for safer sex, acknowledge the problem with condom size re: trans and intersex bodies, acknowledge that contraception needs to be discussed in queer safer sex literature, acknowledge that fertility of non-cis and non-dyadic bodies needs to be present and properly presented, degender your resources esp. brochures and toolkits, discuss PrEP without making it seem that it protects you from all STIs and pregnancy, discuss PrEP outside of the cis dyadic male perspective, abolish...
(Image: This post’s title card with a partially colored coloring sheet of a fox covered in leaves. A souvenir from a recent lecture I attended.) It’s hard to explain, from a personal point of view, what gender dysphoria really is. A friend of mine, when explaining dysphoria in general, tends to say “You know what euphoria is, right? Well dysphoria is something on the completely opposite part of the emotional spectrum”. And that is true....
For the last few weeks I have been thinking extensively about well-being. I am confronted with that topic as a long-time individual activist who in their lifetime had suffered much from burnout, small breakdowns and moments when all was thought to have been either lost or done for nothing. I also manage a staff of 5 whose physical and mental health is one of my key priorities. Every single action or development I consider a...
Hi 🙂 I really enjoyed your “Transitions of Fatness” post. Especially the part about not having my “trans-ness” being taken seriously because of my being fat, hit home. I’m seeing a psychologist because I dropped out of school due to depression, and I told her that I want to transition. She told me that she doubts anyone would prescribe T to me while I’m being ‘mentally unstable’. Well, anyways, thank you so much for sharing;...
It’s almost 2015, which means that in a few months, it will be two years since my last testosterone shot. These last 20+ months have given me a number of experiences and helped me understand both my body and social processes regarding (de- and re-)transition and how our communities (both cis and trans) very often put a lot of pressure on gender presentation and its association with bodies affected by hormones. Yours truly on December...