Trans activism can be tough, especially when you deal with a number of issues. As an organization working both with the community and for it (with support and advocacy being our main focuses), we deal with a lot of difficulties, also in the area of managing and countering anti-trans groups and the effects they have on trans people all around Poland.
Sometimes we get emails. Some of them want us to convert, some wish we’d burn in hell already, all the usual cyber bullying stuff you get when your email is available online. Sometimes, however, there is that one email that leaves you baffled. You ask yourself: “Why would this person send me this?” But you never get the answer. You can just put these messages in your archive (by writing a blog post for example) and remember them fondly after a few years. This is one of these messages.
A few days ago, someone wrote to my work email with a call to support an initiative:
supporting the 35,000 children and their families in Canada who are now fighting for their rights to live their normal lives in their county. They do not go to school because their dignity is at risk.
Sounds serious, doesn’t it. That’s, however, how the message ends.
This is it’s main concern:
While protection of human rights is a critical subject for all of us especially those who leave in countries where they see violation of this important principle every day, we would like to express our concerns about speculations around this subject by those who promote values that can destroy our societies. We are assured that while LGBT have the right to leave [!!!]their own lives, however their values can damage our society making it impossible to live in if LGBT are allowed to openly promote their orientation and their style of living as normal.
This is a humiliation that we do not want to see for our nations.
It’s title? “Against Promotion of Values that can Destroy our Societies!” So, in general human rights are ok, but those mean LGBTs should stay at home because OUR children cannot go to school. They’re going to catch the gay all the other kids have, I’m pretty sure.
One final thought shared in this cry for help:
This is an example of consequences that the society has when it goes against the values established from the beginning by its Creator, Christ.
Obviously, I didn’t reply. But if I did (and I secretly hope this post reaches the sender), it would something along the line:
“Please, revisit your history classes to see that society is, in fact, older than Jesus Christ. Revisit the Bible to see that the Christian God created the Heaven and the Earth, but not society.
Society is a result of the original sin. Humans disobeyed God and this is why we are stuck with each other. You can blame yourself for that, too. Also, please remember that whoever created the Universe, did not think you were the center of attention. Otherwise you would have been there from the very beginning and not after billions of years of star formation and millions of years of evolution.”
Also, if anyone has seen work done by this organization in Canada, please let me know. Can’t seem to be able to google them
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